The influence of social media on young people (adults as well)
Today I observed two young adult’s behaviour and decided to share some of my thoughts about the negative impact of social media on people’s mental health. Also, the negative influence of social media on vulnerable people.
What I mean by saying vulnerable -people who always seek validation, who always try to please everyone and who constantly look for attention.
Social media addiction:
I have been observing those group of people for a long time. What I found was similar to their character and lifestyle.
Recent studies on young people also found many interesting facts while investigating social media addiction.
For example, when you share something and when you get more likes by your followers, you feel. happy, excited and grateful.However, such temporary gratification. later became very dangerous.Because experiencing such. fast, short term pleasure increase. dopamine production in our brain (the chemical in the brain related with reward and pleasure) and what is dangerous when you don’t get such feelings later .this chemical transmission does not happen as expected.Then anxiety starts and you feel isolated and the stress level in your body increase instantly.
Such experience also affects your sleep and sleep quality.Having trouble on sleeping, overthinking and fear of missing out (FOMO) are widely experienced indications.
To make it short, I recommend all of you don’t make yourself social media victim.Your mental health is more important than everything.Always remind yourself that you are not other people’s validation.You are unique as you are .I am not against using social media, sharing photos, moments, or happy moments. However, I don’t accept when people use it frequently in terms of validation. Validation of beauty, validation of “happy life” (there is no such word as happy life) and validation of love, etc.
This list can be longer than my mentions.
In conclusion:
There is a beauty in privacy. Everything about your life should not be on social media.
Keep something for you….
with Love,
#socialmedia #anxiety#depressionsupport# neuroscience#covıd #covid19vacccine